The Key to a Great Spiritual Workout

Congratulations!  You’ve invested a great deal of time, money and energy to be physically fit and healthy.  You exercise, you eat right, you get plenty of rest and you drink tons of water.  You put in all of this effort because you want to live a long, healthy life, right?  It’s important to you so you make it a priority.

Well, what about your spirit?  Does it get a workout?  No, I don’t mean checking off boxes by going to church or reading the Bible (although I’m not condemning those practices by any means).  How do we exercise our spiritual bodies?  How do I build my spiritual muscles so they are strong when a crisis arrives?

It’s pretty simple, my friends.  It’s all about the struggle.  When you go to the gym you lift weights because the added resistance builds muscle.  Well the same is true about struggle and in this video I share a little insight I had about how “struggle” is a necessary component to spiritual growth.

About Goddess Arriving

Welcome to Goddess Arriving! I'm a 52 year old mother of three budding goddesses, grad student, runner and seeker of all things spiritual. This blog is my "white space" to speak my truth and explore ways to live well and age with grace and wisdom.

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