Ignorance Gives Birth to Wisdom

To know you are “ignorant” is the beginning of wisdom.  I was recently a passenger on a five-hour car trip listening to “The Mists of Avalon” on Audible and I heard that phrase.  Hmmm…I never thought about it like that before.  It’s kind of like any of the 12 step programs; admitting you have a problem […]

Sole Purpose or Soul Purpose?

Sole Purpose or Soul Purpose?

What’s Your Soul Purpose? The other day, in a fit of frustration with one of my children, I caught myself saying, “Is my sole purpose to be at your beckon call?”  As I heard the words spill out of my mouth I realized the irony of that “homophone” and the timing in which the message […]

Voice of the goddess

As a woman, what does it mean to find your voice? As I come to the close of my fourth decade I’m beginning to explore what has always been unknown territory for me. I believe my story is the same as many women out there struggling to find their voice and truly be heard. As […]