My Anti-Resolution List 2015

My Anti-Resolution List 2015

Well here we are again…at the cusp of a new year with a list of resolutions ready to make fools of us all.  I don’t know about you, but I totally suck at keeping resolutions.  Whether it’s because I set my goals too high or I’m unrealistic about my time management skills, I always disappoint […]

What the Shift?

What the Shift?

This was the first post I encountered upon opening my Facebook account this morning: Isn’t that cheery? I used to prescribe to this attitude when I was younger. I even had this variation of Alexander Pope’s ninth beatitude scribbled in my angst-filled teenaged diary. Later on in the day I came across this little ditty: […]

Opening Christmas Presence

Opening Christmas Presence

Thanksgiving is over; I counted my blessings, found my life full of abundance and thanked God.  Then why do I feel a sense of impending doom?  Ah, yes…it’s that pesky Christmas season that magically has a way of sucking the life out of any well-intentioned mother. Don’t get me wrong…I used to look forward to […]