Opening Christmas Presence

Opening Christmas Presence

Thanksgiving is over; I counted my blessings, found my life full of abundance and thanked God.  Then why do I feel a sense of impending doom?  Ah, yes…it’s that pesky Christmas season that magically has a way of sucking the life out of any well-intentioned mother. Don’t get me wrong…I used to look forward to […]

The Gift of a Soul

The Gift of a Soul

I recently heard someone say that our children are only on loan to us; that God gives us these little souls to nurture and raise for only a short time.  That has never been more evident to me as it is in this heart-wrenching video about a couple whose son was diagnosed with the fatal […]

The Danger of Negative “I AM’s”

How many times have you seen this image?  If you engage in any of the numerous spiritual social media pages, I’m sure you’ve seen it countless times.  The words are full of truth and power and they should not be taken lightly. “I AM” statements tap into your limitless power and creativity as you were fashioned […]